Portfolio Conclusion
Tenth grade English was hard. I am not going to lie to you. I hated every single assignment with a passion while I was doing them. But now; now it seems as though it was good, almost even beneficial to my learning. It seems that I was constantly writing, not for pleasure, but because I had to if I wanted to pass this class. Every new week seemed to bring me another boring book to read; as I thought then. But now I look back and see that books like Catcher in the Rye, and West With the Night have truly brought new light to my attitude towards books. I used to think that any book without constant action, or humor was boring, but now I see that was not really reading. Although, I may not enjoy those books as much they have helped me to grow in many aspects of education. I have greatly improved the style, and content of my writing(as you can see if you look back into my introduction) during the course of this year. I not only now sound better when I write, but I feel that my pieces are actually pretty good writing. The best example of this in my portfolio is my Short Story: A Trip to Put Them to Rest. This is my favorite piece that I have written during this sophomore year in high school, because I felt I emotionally connected with the assignment and produced a great piece. Overall, I have grown in a way I never could have imagined in one year, and for this I thank the constant never-ending workload that was thrust upon me.
I would be happy to be able to grow as much as an English student next year, as I did this year. I just only hope it would require less effort. however, this is definitely unrealistic wishful thinking on my part. If next year I end up doing a Digital Portfolio like this one I do not think it would be all that bad. This year was extremely difficult to get started, but now that I am started and know what I am doing it would be a lot easier in the years to come. This is a neat, modern way of creating a portfolio, and all in all it was not as bad as I made it out to be during the year. Next year I hope to continue to grow as a reader, writer, and student in all classes, but it may be extremely difficult to match the amount of growth that I have achieved this year. I now look forward to summer, and fear the fall. But school is an inevitable reoccurrence, thus I know that I must use the skills I have acquired this year for years to come. But now I have no more school work, and all fun in the sun!