To me freshman year was the year of introduction to the High School, and it was a lot of fun. I felt I grew a lot as a student in all aspects of my learning. I learned to use a more sophisticated vocabulary, and I learned new techniques to make my writing better. But the major thing that I learned was how to succeed in the High School. There really was no trick except to work really hard. If you slack off and put your work off until the last minute the quality of your work vastly diminishes. I think that this year I will have a lot more work than I have ever had before, and this has been the case in the first two weeks of school. It is clear to me that I am going to have a solid three hours of homework per night.
The only way that I can maintain good grades is by managing my time efficiently, because if I start to wait until the last minute on projects and essays I will be overloaded with homework. So I am going to have to do little bits and pieces every night. Also something that I look to improve this year is my reading ability. Right now I do not think I have an honors' tenth grade reading level, and to finish these books in two weeks is probably a lot harder for me than some other kids. So I would like to work on reading with more efficiency. Ninth grade was merely a test for this year and years to come. But, I hope that I can obtain these skills this year and in my next three years at the High School. These are the years that can decide the rest of your life. And I hope that my teachers will help me strive to that unreachable goal of perfection.
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